Harris Academy South Norwood

Harris Academy South Norwood es un centro público de 1.200 alumnos y 86 profesores. Está situado en la periferias de Londres. Forma parte de una familia de nueve colegios llamados "Harris Federation". Es un centro mixto para alumnos de entre 11- 19 años. Ofrece un amplio curriculum de estudios, apoyado por unas formidables instalaciones. En él se imparten las siguientes lenguas: Español, Francés y Chino. Estamos orgullosos que desde que el centro abrió sus puertas en Septiembre del 2007, el departamento de Lenguas Modernas ha organizado viajes escolares a China, Francia y al Sur de España.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

Welcome to Zaragoza!!!!

Ayer llegaron a Zaragoza los alumnos de Harris Academy. Les esperábamos en la Estación Delicias.

Hoy a las 8,30 horas, les ha dado la bienvenida el director general ,Jesús Ángel Viguera. Estaban también con nosotros los alumnos de Katolickiego Zespol Edukacyjnego “Ogrodowa” de Varsovia (Polonia).

Ademas de las palabras de bienvenida, Jesús Ángel ha puesto a cada alumno el típico cachirulo aragónes, con el escudo del colegio.

Los alumnos españoles les han entregado una carpeta personalizada con información turística y cultural sobre nuestra ciudad.

A continuación han salido, junto con los participantes en el intercambio de Suecia, hacia el Pirineo.

Good morning, welcome to Spain, to Zaragoza, to our school.
Some of you may be asking yourselves, what is an exchange? Why and what is the reason for doing it?

And probably you think an exchange, is only a way to learn English or Spanish or....
But that is not only and not essentially the reason. We think that an exchange is similar to a workshop or a laboratory… where we can put into practice some kind of learning skills related to life not only through school. In a few words, a workshop or laboratory of values and attitudes for life:

o The value of living in harmony with other peoples.
o The value of tolerance and respect; there are bound to be things which are very distinct.
o The value of austerity and sacrifice.
o The value of hospitality and warm welcome. Actually it is more difficult to share what we are than what we have.

And mainly, the opportunity you have of getting to know in situ other realities, not by TV or cinema, where there are so many clichés and half-truths.

It is logical that in order to get along with someone, you should understand them. And the first step to understanding is communication. So this is the moment to speak (and learn) Spanish.

This year, with this daringness (boldness) to unite six European countries, we want to add one more meaning: we would like to make a dream come true, one which we have cherished for over fifty years, that of a Europe united in its diversity and cultural plurality.

So here we are, 18 Englishmen and women, (11 Germans), 20 Frenchmen and women, 26 Swedes, 13 Poles and a multitude of sometimes noisy Spaniards. We want to learn to accept challenges together, and play together too; to follow a path that will lead to a sure prize: that of friendship and understanding among people.

Maybe one day, when you look back, you will understand the true value of what you have learnt and the good fortune you have had to experience it.

This is my wish, our wishes for everyone.
A very warm welcome.

Jesús Ángel Viguera
Director General

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