Harris Academy South Norwood

Harris Academy South Norwood es un centro público de 1.200 alumnos y 86 profesores. Está situado en la periferias de Londres. Forma parte de una familia de nueve colegios llamados "Harris Federation". Es un centro mixto para alumnos de entre 11- 19 años. Ofrece un amplio curriculum de estudios, apoyado por unas formidables instalaciones. En él se imparten las siguientes lenguas: Español, Francés y Chino. Estamos orgullosos que desde que el centro abrió sus puertas en Septiembre del 2007, el departamento de Lenguas Modernas ha organizado viajes escolares a China, Francia y al Sur de España.

martes, 8 de marzo de 2011

London Dungeons

Que miedoooooo!!!!!!

The london dungeons were great but they were really scary..
The day was great, starting with a registration in the school and ending in our houses.

The weather was great and sunny but it was a little bit cold.
It was a funny day.
Beatriz Gonzalvo

Hi, it's Marta Carbonell and Ana Ramos: Today we first went to Harris Academy South Norwood. The first thing we did was attend a language class which included: Spanish, French and Mandarin.

The next thing we did was travel to London Dungeons from Victoria station. We walked from Victoria Station to London Dungeons. It was a very scary attraction and we screamed many times. We then walked around the thames and saw the tower of london, we went across the bridge and we had lunch near the Thames.We then went back to the Harris Academy and then finally we went back to our family's houses.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, it's Marta Carbonell and Ana Ramos: Today we first went to Harris Academy South Norwood. The first thing we did was attend a language class which included: Spanish, French and Mandarin. The next thing we did was travel to London Dungeons from Victoria station. We walked from Victoria Station to London Dungeons. It was a very scary attraction and we screamed many times. We then walked around the thames and saw the tower of london, we went across the bridge and we had lunch near the Thames.We then went back to the Harris Academy and then finally we went back to our family's houses.

  2. The london dungeons were great but they were really scary..
    The day was great, starting with a registration in the school and ending in our houses.
    The weather was great and sunny but it was a little bit cold.
    It was a funny day.


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